2014 Advent Season

Week 3: The Light is on for You!

Advent Week 3

(During the Weekend Masses: December 13-14, 2014)

SHINE: Out of Darkness ... Light

"The Light is on for you"

This is the Third Sunday of Advent, traditionally known as Gaudete Sunday, so-called from the first word of the antiphon at the Introit. Gaudete (“Rejoice”), taken from the Latin translation of Philippians 4:4-5; “Gaudete in Domino semper: iterum dico gaudete.” “Rejoice in the Lord always: I say again, rejoice.”

Our rejoicing comes from the knowledge that our God is near to His people; He is near in that there is only one week of Advent remaining, and so the great Feast of the Incarnation, Christmas is very near. He is also near in that our God chooses to be close to His people. His nearness is given tangible evidence through the Sacraments of the Church. God draws near to us through what we can see and hear and taste and touch and smell – He comes to us through the ancient signs and symbols that are the Sacraments of the Church.


Fr. Charlie's message for week 3


Video shown at Mass:   Oceans of Mercy


Challenge of the Week:

This week we will be celebrating one of the great sacraments of healing as a parish community; the Sacrament of Reconciliation. (Tuesday, December 16 at 10am and 7pm).  These weeks of Advent leading up to this week, and our Advent Message Series,

Shine, Out of Darkness...Light,

have been a time of preparation, helping us assess our relationship with our God through an examination of our conscience. We have also worked on de-mystifying the whole Sacrament of Reconciliation experience with our LifeTeen video on how you “do” confession. I truly hope you will heed God’s invitation to come and be restored in His bountiful mercy – that you will set aside all those compelling reasons that have kept you from this Sacrament, and that you will take a step in spiritual humility and courage, and let God heal what is broken in you. We know we are fragile beings, and our tendency is to be broken over and over again. But this Sacrament calls us back as often as is needed. God NEVER gives up on us, and NEVER runs out of the mercy that restores us to His graces. So splurge on yourself in these late days of Advent. Come and know the mercy of God again…come and make your rough ways level and smooth…come and prepare the way for the Lord!

Helpful Resources on the Sacrament of Reconciliation





Family Advent Activity

Continue your Advent prayer by having an Advent wreath in your home.  Each day your family should gather around the Advent wreath, generally before the evening meal. Three candles are then lighted and a prayer is said.


Third Week:  The joyful Sunday in Advent (known as "Gaudete") is represented by rose (or pink) instead of the penitential purple color. Each night during the third week the mother of the family lights the pink, as well as the two previously burned purple candles, after the following prayer has been said.  Light a candle for JOY for the good things that are coming with the restoration of reconciliation with God and others.

Leader:  O Lord, we implore you, incline your ear to our prayers and enlighten the darkness of our minds by the grace of your visitation. Through Christ our Lord.

All:  Amen.

This week at St. Mary Magdalen Parish that you can do with our family!
E v a n g e l i z e    t h r o u g h    y o u r    C h r i s t m a s    L i g h t s !
Jesus is the reason for the Christmas Season! As you decorate your homes, showcase your Christmas lights with a Christian Message. This is a wonderful opportunity to evangelize throughout your community!