Prayer and Adoration
A Time For Prayer
Come, spend time at the tabernacle in the presence of the Lord. Jesus offers us this
space — a time away from activity and distraction to a time of quiet surrender.
In this Year of Jubilee, in the Year of Mission for the National Eucharistic
Revival, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament offers us renewal. In every season,
we offer opportunities for adoration, the rosary and other devotions.
Holy Hour – Adoration Ministry: Sign up as part
of the ministry that prays for the parish and for each other at Eucharistic Adoration.
For Lent 2025, this includes the 24 Hours for the Lord on March 28-29.
Rosary before Mass: Sign up to lead the Rosary Before Mass, using the Respect Life Intentions booklet:
Rosary at Home: Sign up to pray the Rosary at home with the Pilgrim Statue of Mary, received at any of the weekend Masses:
Daily Mass
Monday-Friday 7:30am in English
Saturday 8am in English
Thursday 7pm in Spanish
Saturday 8am in English
Thursday 7pm in Spanish
Sunday Mass
Saturday 5pm in English and 7pm* in Spanish
Sunday 8am, 10am* **, 12Noon, 5:30pm
Sunday 8am, 10am* **, 12Noon, 5:30pm
*Mass livestreamed, **interpreted for the deaf
Eucharistic Adoration
Tuesday 8am–8pm
Thursday 8am–7pm
Friday 8am-8pm (during Lent)
Sunday 1:30-3pm (during Lent)
Thursday 8am–7pm
Friday 8am-8pm (during Lent)
Sunday 1:30-3pm (during Lent)
24 Hours with the Lord: March 28-29, 2025 (Perpetual Adoration)
Be An Adorer
Make an offering of one or more hours of adoration before the Most Blessed Sacrament
for a specific day and time. In this way, Jesus is never alone, and someone is praying
and adoring Him continually while the consecrated host is exposed in the monstrance.
If you are unable to keep your hour of commitment, please try to find a replacement.
Sign up at:
For more information please contact:
Mary Gulde, Prayer Ministry
407-265-2315 |
For more information please contact:
Mary Gulde, Prayer Ministry
407-265-2315 |
Other Prayer Opportunities
Rosary in English: Weekdays, following 7:30am Mass, Church
Rosary in Spanish: 6:30 pm Thursdays and Saturdays, before Spanish Mass
Miraculous Medal Prayer: Mondays, following 7:30am Mass, Church
Charismatic Prayer in Spanish: Fridays, 7pm [during Lent, Stations of the Cross]
Chapel/Church: Monday-Friday 7am-8pm; Saturday and Sunday follow the Mass schedule
Rosary in Spanish: 6:30 pm Thursdays and Saturdays, before Spanish Mass
Miraculous Medal Prayer: Mondays, following 7:30am Mass, Church
Charismatic Prayer in Spanish: Fridays, 7pm [during Lent, Stations of the Cross]
Chapel/Church: Monday-Friday 7am-8pm; Saturday and Sunday follow the Mass schedule
Labyrinth Prayer Garden
Sunrise to Sunset